The specialists fall in the category “as small” the palette of books from A-9 to A-2; Sometimes A-10 is also introduced into this group, but there are enough experts who believe that this hand gives you enough strengths. The big problem that derives from the use of this rank of books is that the player does not have a decent kicker, which complicates his existence and frequently leads to frustration and tilt.
A “weak” suited is always more tempting than when it is not doubled by a book of the same color, but, as we will explain below, a 5 cup or a-3 of the trefle should not excite yourself very often. It is a marginal hand and must be treated as such. Whether you play online, or constantly evolve in casinos, you will notice that the general tendency is for people to overestimate a “weak”. If you know exactly what dangers you expose, when and how much to invest, you have high chances to avoid the traps of such a hand.
Flop addiction

One of the handicaps offered by a “weak” is the fact that you must always bind something strong enough after the first three books on the board. Otherwise, the kicker does not help you and, in the long term, you could lose a lot of chips in the hope of completing a marginal poker hand.
The ideal version would be to catch two poker pairs of flop and not have the misfortune to one of the opponents to be completed (here or on the following streets) two larger pairs. However, only once in 50 attempts will you flop two pairs, so that, to rely on this percentage, it is by far not the wisest thing.
The main thing that leads to overvaluation of a “weak” is that it gives you the prospect of a “flush Nuts”. However, the probability of having color in the flop when you own a “weak” suited is 118/1; The perspective of a color draw in the flop is, true, much larger, 8/1, but until it is completed there is a long way. And, more importantly, you may pay a lot to finally see the long-awaited color. In the long term, if the opponents will know how and how to bet, you will never go out by paying pre flop with a “weak” suite, then with a color draw. Thus, you go for the variant of a draw only to the extent that I can ODDS are on your side, otherwise you will not have the desired benefits. So such poker hands can be problematic.
Play in position Poker hands with AS weak
Undoubtedly a “weak” should not always be folded. The position is extremely important when you make the decision to play such a hand. If you are Under the Gun, for example, a cup – 7 cloves cannot be considered, no matter how much, a decent hand of start, at a table of 9 players. A lot of fighters have the opportunity to come up with other raises, and you will be in the situation to pay many chips for a hand in the best marginal case, which will be dominated by a huge palette of books.
However, when you are in Cutoff or button, a hand like A-3 Suited or A-8 Suited can be played without problems, if there were no considerable raises. That’s because, after the flop, you will have a position and you can completely control the table. Instead, perhaps paradoxically for some, we do not recommend that they enter into Blinds with a hand of poker such as the ones mentioned above, even if the Raises given by opponents are small. You will not have a position after the appearance of common books and you will be in “dark” in terms of information.
What is happening post-flop

Being able to fold a “weak” is not necessarily an art, but rather about the experience and knowledge of mathematical probabilities. However, even the latest professional players will enter into some cases in hand with such a book.
As I mentioned above, many make the mistake of calling an armor, just from the desire to defend their sheets. But what happens when you gave Call with a-3 suite, and the flop is A-J-8 Rainbow? You have Top Pair, but you can surely say you have the best poker hand? Most likely not. And you don’t even have the opportunity to attack very strongly, fearing that you could receive a re-raise. But you know just as well that if you leave the opponent to speak, he will most likely go on a continuation Bet, even if there is a variant not to hit what he needed. Thus, you will notice that the playing of a “weak” will bring you in front of extremely heavy decisions and most of the time you will have too little information to correctly evaluate the poker hands of others.
When you play a “weak” most often you have to have only one word in mind: caution. Always be aware that you can be easily dominated and do not try to get into great confrontations. Try to keep the pot under control, so that it has a very small value and do not expose yourself to losing an important amount.
The ideal variants when you can play without much fear of a “weak” (ideally, otherwise, to give up without much regrets):
When you’re a short stack. You necessarily need to double, and the ace in your hand gives you a good perspective. Go all-in pre-flop without thinking too much: and if you will be paid by K-K, for example, you have a pretty good equity (about 28%).
in the short-handed games or in the final phases of the tournament. The presence of as little number of opponents at the table increases your chances for you to be the owner of the strongest hand, with just an ace. Depending on the opponents and the phase of the competition, you can even try to steal Push All-in.
in heads-up. If when a new players are at the table, a “weak” can be considered at most a marginal hand, things change fundamentally when there is only one combatant in front of you. In most cases with a single ace you will dominate his hand, so you do not even be afraid to give considerable rays before the flop, knowing that the probabilities are this time.